Monday, September 3, 2012

You Can't Cheat Weight Loss

This past week, I lost 1.8 pounds.  Down to 181.6.  Of course I'm thirlled with this. Since I began this journey of re-losing about 28 pounds I've gained in the last year...I've lost 10.8 pounds!  Since I hit/passed the 10 pound mark, I thought I should include some photos.  I know I don't look awesome, but I look better. 

I put the same shirt/shorts on to make comparisons easier.  
I'm trying to stay brutally honest with myself about what I'm eating.  Even if I go off the reservation and eat a bunch of junk, then I track it as fast as I can.  I dip into my weekly points, but that's one of the reasons they're there.  If I don't track those indiscretions, then, for me, the whole thing is for naught.  I've learned that you can't cheat this process.  Even if you try weight loss supplements, surgery, etc, etc.; eventually, you either get on the healthy lifestyle bandwagon...or you gain it back.  You can't borrow someone else's points, you can't buy extra points (I'd be deep in credit card debt if you could), you can't eat food that you don't track and still expect to lose weight.

There is no Weight Watchers meeting this Monday because of Labor Day, so I'm hoping I don' tuse this week as an opportunity to go off program.  Part of my motivation is that once I get back to my goal weight, 165, my WW membership goes back to free.  Until then, I'm paying $42.95/month for my monthly pass.  Another motivation is that I'm hoping to fit nicely into my fall clothes before the weather changes.