Monday, June 25, 2012

Week 1

I weighed in tonight at Weight Watchers this evening...I lost 4 pounds (down to 188.6).  This is respectable, but not quite what I was hoping for in this first week.  It was a difficult week, but not totally miserable.  It was nice to be on plan and not have to do it on my own. 

The first week of a diet is like breaking up with your boyfriend or being in a fight with your best friend...kind of lonely and depressing.  I got a little more cardio and a LOT more yoga this week.  My body is exhausted and hungry. 

First week over, moving on to week 2.  I hope to do better with counting points and getting more cardio.  Fruits and veggies, here I come!

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Beginning, By The Numbers (And The Photos)

Here we go...following are the afore-promised numbers.  Lots of personal info, so if you're not interested in that sort of stuff, read no further.  I weighed in tonight at WW.  I weigh 192.6 pounds.  This is 27.5 pounds gained from my goal weight of 165 lbs.  I took my measurements-they are as follows: bust: 41", chest: 35", waist: 37", hips: 42", thighs: 42".  I know this is a lot of very personal information.  I'm not posting all these numbers on facebook, but am posting them here to keep myself accountable.  I want to be successful.  Also, while I'm disappointed in the lack of care I've taken of myself, I'm not ashamed.  Enough guilt.  It is what it is.  I'm moving on.

I don't have a whole lot more to say tonight.  I'm looking forward to feeling better.  Stick with me.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Sooo...I'm back on the wagon.  A few years ago, I lost 58 pounds, using Weight Watchers.  After 1 year, I happily arrived at my goal weight of 165 pounds.  That may not sound like an awesome weight for some, but it is a healthy, happy place for me to be.  Well, I didn't stay there long.  Although I was a lifetime member of Weight Watchers, I slowly put the weight back on. 

Here I am, now about 25 poungs heavier than my goal weight.  My clothes are tight, my body is uncomfortable, and I'm getting lazy.  No matter how many times I've tried to get "back on track," I've failed.  I have not been on program for several months, really almost a year.  I'm so frustrated with myself because I know what to do.  I know the WW program inside and out.  However, since I'm not formally accountable to anyone, I don't do it. 

That being said, I'm going back on program (OP) tomorrow.  I'm writing this blog to share my journey.  For two reasons: one, to stay accountable.  If I know others are watching, I'll be less likely to quit.  Two, to maybe help others that need some encouragement to call the wagon back and hop on.  It's never too late.

I'm a yoga instructor.  Being overweight makes me feel like a fraud.  While the overweight can certainly do yoga, I don't feel like a good yoga role model.  Fat rolls at the front of class, in a room full of mirrors, can make a girl feel uncomfortable, you know?  I hope to incorporate many of the lessons I learned in my yoga training, philosophy and asana (poses), into my endeavor.

I'll post official numbers and a photo tomorrow night after I weigh in.  I'm not going to post numbers on facebook, but here I'll be brutally freakin honest.  I'm going to tell you exactly what I weigh, measurements, etc.  Please check back with me from time to time to see my's to a better version of myself!
